Our News
December 2023 - Multiplier Events
This month was allocated for our last activities on AgroBUS project, the multiplier events. In each partner country were organized a serie of events dedicated to our main target groups – trainers / teachers / adult educators / any stakeholder – and adults interested on the topic of entrepreneurship in urban agriculture (with an accent on adults with low skills and low qualifications, unemployed adults). During these events were presented all AgroBUS project results and the participants had the opportunity interact with all the facilitators. The events were organized on some specific venues where an important number of people joined and had the pleasure to be informed about AgroBUS results. These events were followed by some others organized online for the participants who could not join us on the phisicaly ones. The feedback get from all the people who took part on these events was a positive one, the majority of them confirming that this is a new area of interest for many of them and the best practices identified on our communities are very good examples for all the people interested on developing a new business in an urban area. And the e-learning platform combined with the trainer guide and the toolkit are very important educational tools to help in motivating other persons to start a new business. Also, some of the participants remarked the transversable characteristic of the educational material being easily adapted to other target groups needs.
December 2023 - Mentoring Sessions
In all 4 countries of the AgroBUS project , there were organized by the team of the implementation mentoring sessions for participants from the target group (adults with low skills and low qualification) some mentoring sessions, ended with the elaboration of some business plans. This activity has been implemented complementary to the piloting national sessions due to the interest showed by our target group for such kind of lessons. All our participants get through the training course available on the elearning platform and passed all the quizzes with succes! All the business plans elaborated by our mentioring sessions participants can be reached on our MOOC on the Resouces section! Please take a look to see what kind of business models they intend to develop! (link to the Resources folder from the MOOC)
7-8 November 2023
AgroBUS project took place in Iasi, Romania, on 07-08 November 2023, where the project partners met and discussed the state of implementation and development of the intellectual fruits developed within this partnership.
The project team also discussed issues related to the management and implementation of the last outcome of the project, the urban farmer toolkit and to future multiplier events which will take place in each partner country. The project team has the opportunity to visit the Adamachi Farm and the IULS caves.
The project management team talked about the final evaluation report of the project.
It was a meeting that achieved all its objectives!!!
September - October 2023
These weeks our partnership is testing through pilotings the material developed from our project results through our very own e-learning platform ! Check it out here: https://mooc.agrobus.eu/
July 2023
Last week we had the 4th transnational partners meeting – online – with the team of project #AgroBUS !
We discusses the next steps in our Project along wth all the necessary tasks needing to be carried out. We planned the launch of our e-learning platfirm and schedueled the piloitings that are going to test it !
April 2023
This month we conducted the pilotings for our modules ! The participants were very excited for the outcome and gained valuable information and learning material from our presentations and research material. Saty tuned for the e-learning platform !
07-08 February 2023 – 3rd Transnational Meeting Athens, Greece
The 3rd transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ AgroBUS project took place in Athens, Greece, on 07-08 February 2023, where the project partners met and discussed the state of implementation and development of the intellectual fruits developed within this partnership.
The project team also discussed issues related to the management and implementation of the future national piloting sessions of the curriculum developed within the project and presented the interface of the e-learning platform to be developed in the next period. The partners discussed and decided how they would like the training content to look within this e-learning platform.
The issues of dissemination and promotion of the products developed within the project were also discussed, as well as the further elaboration of the analysis of urban agriculture stakeholders involved in the implementation of our project.
It was a meeting that achieved all its objectives!!!
11-14 October 2022 - AgroBUS: Trainer the Trainers - Porto, Portugal
From 11 to 14 October 2023, the training course for adult educators of the AgroBUS project took place in Porto, Portugal. The event focused on “How to create a start-up business in urban agriculture”.
The aim was to raise awareness among the 10 trainers about local community development, community engagement, and the local environmental impact of an Urban Agriculture business.
It was so great to share experiences and knowledge about urban agriculture, interculturality, community development, and communication!
We also had the opportunity to chat with Diógenes Dinis, a professional connected to agriculture for many years and who has built his own business with his family. Dinis shared with us the difficulties of running an agricultural business in Portugal, the challenges, his daily life, and also what motivates him to work every day in this field.
Sept-Oct 2022 - AgroBUS: National Piloting Sessions
From September to October 2023, AgroBUS project partners had to organize local piloting sessions of the first intellectual output developed within the project – In-Service Training for Adult Educators – A Trainer Guide, during which the institutions involved in the project tested and evaluated the content of the developed training material. A number of 60 educators, trainers, and professionals working with low-skilled and low-qualified adults were involved in this phase, and each partner had to test 1 or 2 modules of the developed training program.
28 & 29 June, 2022 – 2nd Transnational Meeting – Novo Mesto, Slovenia
On 28-29 June 2022 the second transnational meeting of the AgroBUS project, organized by assoc. DRPDNM and attended by representatives of all 5 European partner organizations.
During this meeting, the consortium partners discussed the implementation stages and the development of the intellectual results, with a focus on OI1 – Strat-up in Urban Agriculture (A Trainer Guide). Each partner presented the developed material for feedback and recommendations from the project partners. At the same time, the deadline for the submission of the final material from all partners and the timeframe for the national pilot sessions to test the developed material were set.
The University of Life Sciences in Iasi, Romania presented the proposed structure for the elaboration and development of the IO2 – Curriculum for the Born Agricultural Entrepreneur, with each partner being allocated a module to elaborate and develop. The proposed deadlines for the implementation of this outcome were also presented, with the project partners agreeing on a natural calendar of events.
The dissemination plan and online promotion channels of the project were also discussed during this meeting – the state of development of the presentation website, the monitoring and evaluation plan as well as the exploitation and sustainability plan.
The second day of the transnational meeting was dedicated to a study visit to a site in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where we visited three models of good practice in urban agriculture: Krater laboratorij, Agrodivizija, Abandoned Plants Sanctuary.
It was a successful meeting, full of beneficial results for the development of the project!
June 2022 - Infographic
The consortium of the AgroBUS project, funded by the European Union, consists of Slovenian, Romanian, Greek, and Portuguese partners. In the next two years, we will contribute our knowledge, ideas, and efforts to create a friendlier society and a better future for many adults from our area, knowing that investing in the community is the best investment in the future of any society.
We hope that with our project we can open some new perspectives for employment and business opportunities and at the same time help to maintain the connection between the natural and the urban environment.
01 April 2022 - Kick-off Meeting - Online
On 01 April 2022, CICIA organized and participated in the first official online meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 project, AgroBUS – AgroBusiness in Urban Areas.
This meeting took place online as a result of the pandemic period we are all going through.
During this meeting, we discussed the topic of the project, the specific tasks of each partner, and the intellectual results established in the project. At the same time, each partner of the consortium made a short presentation of the organization they represent and the project team involved in the implementation of the AgroBUS project.
It was a successful and successful meeting! We are glad that we managed to create a strong and close partnership, and that we can address a topic of great interest in this period of unrest for everyone!